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Wood End Primary School aims to maintain a positive, respectful, and safe environment conducive to effective learning and emotional development. Behaviour management is approached consistently, emphasising positive reinforcement and restorative practices. The school upholds three core rules: Ready, Respectful, Safe, supported by our vision, values, and "Learning Friends."

The policy seeks to:

  • Foster a happy, safe, and respectful school community.
  • Teach behaviours that contribute to individual and societal well-being.
  • Offer fair and consistent approaches to behaviour management.
  • Define unacceptable behaviours and outline responses.
  • Clarify roles and responsibilities for staff, pupils, and parents.

Encouraging Positive Behaviour
Positive behaviour is promoted through:

  • Teaching and modelling appropriate behaviour.
  • Incentives like Trackit Points, Praise Postcards, and Headteacher Awards.
  • Clear and consistent expectations across classrooms and play areas.

Addressing Unhelpful Behaviour
Behaviour is categorised into:

  • Low-Level Misbehaviour (e.g., talking out of turn, not listening): Managed with verbal reminders.
  • Misbehaviour (e.g., persistent disruption, rudeness): May result in completing a "Think Sheet," parent communication, or time-out.
  • Serious Misbehaviour (e.g., bullying, physical aggression): Escalated to senior leadership, recorded on CPOMs, and could lead to exclusions following investigation.

Restorative Justice
A restorative approach addresses conflicts by encouraging pupils to understand the impact of their actions, take responsibility, and repair harm caused.

Support for Individual Needs
Pupils with specific behavioural or SEND needs may have tailored interventions, behaviour plans, or external agency involvement.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Staff: Maintain high expectations, model positive behaviours, apply consistent strategies, and communicate with parents.
  • Pupils: Follow the core rules, respect others, and make helpful choices.
  • Parents: Support the school's rules, encourage positive behaviour, and communicate concerns effectively.

Rewards and Sanctions

  • Rewards: Include Trackit Points, class rewards, and certificates for demonstrating school values.
  • Sanctions: May involve time-outs, behaviour monitoring charts, or exclusions in severe cases.

Monitoring and Review
Behaviour incidents are recorded and monitored regularly by senior leadership to identify trends and ensure effective strategies. The policy is reviewed annually to ensure its relevance and impact.