
Wood End Primary School

Together we dream, believe, achieve

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Welcome to Wood End Primary School!


Regular attendance is vital and is monitored and reported on according to statutory regulations.

The Department for Education has set a target of at least 96% attendance for each child and we expect every child to achieve at least that from nursery onwards. Attendance and attainment are directly related and therefore it is essential that children should attend school everyday.

If children are unwell and cannot attend school parents/carers are required to telephone the school office on the first day of absence.


Alternatively an e-mail can be sent to the school via All unexplained absences are counted as “unauthorised” and we are obliged to report these to the Local Authority and the D.F.E.  If your child has a medical appointment, please provide a copy of the appointment letter and inform the school office as soon as possible.  Wherever possible your child should attend school before and after the appointment.


If your child is unwell in the morning but during the school day becomes better, please bring them to school.

Holidays during term time will not be authorised under any circumstances. However, it is recognised that, in exceptional circumstances, leave of absence may have to be taken in term times. Permission for this needs to be sought directly from the Headteacher beforehand.



It is very important for children to be punctual. Lateness disrupts the start of the day for your child and the other children in the class. If you arrive late to school with your child you must report to the school office where your child will be marked in.  Children must be collected promptly at the end of the school day.
